
There are several steps required to make a Bucket Server work.

  • Copy the buckets.cfg file from the bin directory to /etc/ and fill out the variables between the curly brackets.
    cp /bin/buckets.cfg /etc
  • Edit your crontab.
    crontab -e
  • Paste the following at the end of your crontab.
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/tomp3.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/tonormalize.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/to720p.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/to1080p.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/toh264.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/toh265.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/towebm.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/toencrypt.log
    */5 * * * * /{directory}/bin/ >> /{directory}/logs/todecrypt.log
  • edit your samba config and add shares for the input and output directories.
    sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  • Add the shares at the end of the config file.
    path = {path}
    valid users = {users}
    write list = {users}

    path = {path}
    valid users = {users}
    write list = {users}
Depending on your configuration, everything should be up and running now. It depends on which distro you are running.
You can change the cron timings to whatever suits your need, five minutes is acceptable to me.
Short introduction of my bucket server project.
Duration: 02:15
What can you use the Bucket server for?
How to install the bucket server from scratch with the command line.
How to configure all the different parts of the bucket server.
Deep dive into a bucket server script and how it processes files through all the stages.
Duration: 02:43
First look at the addition of Filebrowser to my bucket server.
Duration: 02:50
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