Since the sofware is based on PHP it should be able to run on a lot of configurations but I only have installed it on debian so far, so that's what I have for now.

Installing the software (Debian, Apache)

  • Copy the files to the target directory. Keep in mind that the actual web-root is the root folder. It's not recommended to put it in the wwwroot folder.
  • Run the installer scripts in the install directory. (Debian based only for now)
    $ sudo ./
    $ sudo ./
    # If you require debugging install xdebug
    $ sudo ./ (you will still need to configure this)
  • Create a new vhost file: /etc/apache/sites-available/yourwebsitename.conf

    DocumentRoot /var/sites/{yourwebsitename}/root
    ServerName {yourservername}

    CustomLog /var/sites/{yourwebsitename}/logs/access.log combined
    ErrorLog /var/sites/{yourwebsitename}/logs/error.log

    Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
    AllowOverride FileInfo Indexes
    Allow from all
    Order Deny,Allow
    Require all granted

  • Run a2enable {yourwebsitename.conf} to activate your vhost.

You should be up and running by now!

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