I was trying to add some references to system.management.automation to my Visual Studio project, but the one I needed wasn't showing up. I'm a bit new to Visual Studio so after I did the obligatory googling I found out that you needed to install it from the NuGet repository.

To add this to your project simply right click your references and click on Manage NuGet Packages.

A new screen will open. Click on the wheel to the right of the package source. A new window will open up and there you can enter the your NuGet Source. Fill in the name and source in the textboxes and click on save/update.

Name: nuget.org.

Once you have closed the dialog, you should be able to select NuGet package source in the top right drop-down and find the package you are looking for

Content was last modified: 2022-08-14 07:20:20
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